Friday, October 11, 2013

First Person Shooter Part 1/2

10 guys on a 3-day trip to Winterberg and Willingen, 2 different bikeparks half an hour ride from each other. Top that of with awesome sunny weather all 3 days, and beer, and you got yourself a recipe of good times.

But instead of editing 18 gigs of GoPro footage, I decided to extract some frames, check it out:

Welcome to Winterberg, where line choice is up to you. 
(click to enlarge)

I have been practicing manuals, but it takes time to dial in, a had more than a few instances where I managed to manual an entire table and beyond, but its still inconsistent. I need more practice, and I need to dial in my hip-movement.
(click to enlarge)

Anders taking a spill in front of me of the drop to the right.
(click to enlarge)

Some french dudes hitting the roadgap.
(click to enlarge)

Hitting a table at the same time.
(click to enlarge)

Next two days was off to Willingen, stick around.


  1. Køb dig en bmx til at øve manuels med... vh Anders JM AKA spandexguruen

  2. Der er ikke andet at gøre end at spidse ører når spandex guruen taler ; ) Den er modtaget!

  3. jeg har en billig en jeg ikke bruger
    VH Spandex

  4. Tak for buddet, men tror aldrig jeg ville få den brugt desværre.
